14 Risk Management Publications you should read

14 Risk Management Publications you should read

14 Risk Management Publications you should read

Written by

Aron Lange


May 2, 2024

Last week, one of my posts on the fundamentals of risk management sparked an interesting conversation on the definition of risk.

The conversation soon uncovered, that there are a lot of definitions and approaches towards risk management out there. With some of them being seemingly popular and well known, whereas others being almost unknown to the broader public.

Here is a list of risk management standards and publications that are worth knowing and reading.

I hope there are at least a few that you didn’t know already.

International Risk Management Standards

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) sets global standards to ensure quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness in processes and products across different industries. ISO has several standards specifically designed for risk management, which guide organizations in identifying, assessing, and treating risks. Below is a brief overview of some key ISO risk management standards:

Risk Management Publications by NIST

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is on a mission to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life. Here are some essential NIST publications for risk management:

NIST IR 8286 Series

The NIST Interagency Report (IR) 8286 series provides guidelines on how to integrate Cybersecurity risk management activities into enterprise risk management. The series consists of the following publications:

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I tried my best to explain information security / cybersecurity risk management in less than 5 minutes. You decide if I was successful.

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